Finding the Beauty in the Chaos.
Does this overwhelm you? 

Boy does it! Me too!  But I had to stop and remind myself this morning. That it is only TEMPORARY. This is a transition period! 

Each time our kids have gone on to another level of school we've let them change their room color.  This is one of those times. We are in the highschool years now so...

Our daughter is in the process of redoing her room.  Choosing HER colors. Purchasing HER own decor with the money she is making from working. It's a time of growth as she discovers her likes and dislikes.  

It's also a time of growth for this momma. As I learn to take a step back and watch her gifts and talents come out in her likes and dislikes.  And in the process learn that there will be chaos along the way. But, it won't last forever (I hope!). Nah, she's almost done.  My mom will be visiting soon and she wants to have it done by the time she comes to visit to surprise grandma.🤗

But, as I sit here reflecting on this moment.  I get a glimpse at HER heart. Her passions. The things that drive her. 

By moving everything out into the hallway and other rooms. It has given her a clean slate to work with. She can put back only what she really wants to keep. Getting rid of what no longer serves her well.

This also, gives my momma's heart a glimpse at the phases she is moving out of and the ones she's heading towards.

So, in the moment. I can see the Beauty in the Choas

Kids Teens Transitionibg Blessings


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